PiGx BS-seq


PiGx-bsseq is a preprocessing and analysis pipeline that takes raw fastq read files and performs all necessary steps to present the full methylome for analysis. Quality control, and differential methylation are also performed, and a final report provides a summary for each sample provided by the user.


PiGx-bsseq follows best practices for processing and analysis of bisulfite sequencing. Figure 1 provides an overview of the various stages of the pipeline, as well as the outputs and expected inputs.

First reads are trimmed for quality and adapter sequences using TrimGalore!.
Then reads will be mapped to the genome using one or both of the available bisulfite aware aligners Bismark or bwa-meth, before alignments are filtered for duplicate reads with samblaster and sorted with samtools. If the reference genome the reads are going to be mapped to has not already undergone bisulfite conversion, such a conversion will be prepared automatically by PiGx BSSeq.
Methylation-calling is then carried out using either MethylKit or methylDackel depending on the chosen aligner, before post-mapping analysis such as segmentation and differential methylation analysis between samples will be performed. Finally we generate multiple reports including sample report for each sample, a differential analysis report and the pan-sample multiqc report.

PiGx BSseq workflow Figure 1: An overview of the PiGx BSseq workflow


  • Quality Control reports
    • per Sample report shows Coverage and Metyhlation distribution
    • MultiQC report informs about Read Quality, Trimming Performance and Alignment Statistics
  • Alignment results in BAM file format.
  • bigwig files for genome-wide methylation fraction tracks
  • BED files for genome-wide methylation segmentation
  • Intermediated objects from methylKit analysis in tabix format
  • Differential methylation analysis results
    • comprehensive HTML report

    • Tab-separated table for differential methylation results effect size and significance

    • BED files for detected genome-wide differentially methylation cytosines (DMCs)

    • BED files for aggregated regions of genome-wide differentially methylation (DMRs)


Pre-built binaries for PiGx are available through GNU Guix, the functional package manager for reproducible, user-controlled software management. Install the complete pipeline bundle with the following command:

guix install pigx

You can install this BSseq pipeline with:

guix install pigx-bsseq

You can also install it from source manually. You can find the latest release here. PiGx uses the GNU build system. Please make sure that all required dependencies are installed and then follow these steps after unpacking the latest release tarball:

./configure --prefix=/some/where
                    make install

Quick start

  1. Download the zipped test data:

    wget https://github.com/BIMSBbioinfo/pigx_bsseq/releases/download/v0.0.8/test-data.tar.gz

  2. Unzip the archive

    tar xzvf test-data.tar.gz

  3. Run the pipeline

    cd tests && pigx-bsseq -s settings.yaml sample_sheet.csv

Preparing the input

In order to run the pipeline, the user must supply

  • a sample sheet
  • a settings file

both files are described below.

In order to generate template settings and sample sheet files, type

pigx bsseq --init

in the shell, and a boilerplate sample_sheet.csv and settings.yaml will be written to your current directory.

Sample Sheet

The sample sheet is a tabular file (csv format) describing the experiment. The table has the following columns:

Read1 Read2 SampleID Protocol Treatment
SA_R1.fastq.gz SA_R2.fastq.gz sample_A WGBS H2O
SB.fastq.gz sample_B WGBS MED1

Table 1: example sample sheet

Column descriptions

  • SampleID is the name for the sample, which must be unique to each row of the table.

  • Read1/2 are the fastq file names of paired end reads

    • the location of these files is specified in settings.yaml
    • for single-end data, leave the Read2 column in place, but have it empty
  • Protocol refers to the experimental protocol, can be either “WGBS” / “RRBS” for whole-genome/reduced-representation bisulfite sequencing, respectively

  • Treatment contains a treatment label that is used for reference in differential methylation

NOTE: The Protocol decides wether the pipeline will perform deduplication (“WGBS”) or not (“RRBS”).

Settings File

In the settings file, various parameters are saved, in YAML format, to configure the execution of PiGx-bsseq.


  • The path to directory containing the reads ( where the input fastq files are)
  • The path to a desired output directory, which PiGx will create if necessary
  • The path to the directory containing the fasta reference genome.


  • The reference genome name (e.g. ‘hg19’)
  • wether to use bismark or bwa-meth aligner, or both
  • detailed settings which only need to be adjusted by experienced users

Methylation-calling Settings

  • minimum number of read-hits required for calling methylation (10)
  • minimum mapping quality required for calling methylation (10)


  • decide for each cytosine methylation context wether merge strands and wether to export to bigwig


  • number of cpu threads for differential methylation (1)

  • significance threshold for detection of DMC

  • effect size for detection of DMC

  • annotation files are optional for the report, but

  • CpGfile: file (with path) specifying CpG annotations for differential methylation (genome/cpgIslandExt.hg19.bed.gz).

  • refGenfile: file (with path) specifying reference genes for differential methylation (genome/refGene.hg19.bed.gz).

  • webfetch: Boolean instruction as to whether PiGx should attempt to fetch the above files from the internet if they are unavailable locally (no).

Differential Methylation (DM) analyis

  • specify which of the treatment groups defined in the sample sheet should be compare against each other

The section described here comprise most of the settings that a typical user might want to access, while more advanced settings provided as defaults in execution section will not need to be modified by most users.

                      assembly: ''
                      # use one or both bisulfite aligners
                      # bwameth is faster and uses less resources
                      use_bwameth: True
                      # bismark is gold standard and uses sensible defaults  
                      use_bismark: True
                        minimum-coverage: 10
                        minimum-quality: 10
                        # this applies to bwameth only
                        keep-singleton: False
                        keep-Dups: Auto                 # can be Auto/True/False, Auto decides based on protocol
                            export: True
                            # join both strands and summarize coverage/methylation? 
                            destrand: True
                            export: False
                            destrand: False
                            export: False
                            destrand: False
                        TSS_plotlength: 5000
                        cores: 1
                        qvalue: 0.01
                        difference: 25
                          # download cpgIsland-bedfile or refGenes-bedfile automatically if not given?
                          cpgIsland-bedfile: ''
                          refGenes-bedfile: ''
                          webfetch:   no
                      # The names of analyses can be anything but they have to be unique
                      # for each combination of case control group comparisons.
                        treatment_sample_groups: "MED1"
                        control_sample_groups: "H2O"
                        # If multiple sample groups are provided, they must be separated by comma.
                       treatment_sample_groups: "MED2,MED1"
                       control_sample_groups: "H2O"
                       # For within group comparison (all vs all), give the same groups to treatment and control.
                       treatment_sample_groups: "MED2,MED1,H2O"
                       control_sample_groups: "MED2,MED1,H2O"V

Running the pipeline

After editting the above input files, the bsseq pipeline can be executed with the command: pigx-bsseq [sample sheet] -s [settings file] with further options, described in the README (for example, the flag --dry-run can be added to confirm valid input settings before execution).


In the out-dir folder, PiGx will create a sub-directory Final_Reports/ in which a final report for each sample is provided, along with a report on the differential methylation observations for each pair of samples that was provided in the sample sheet under general: differential-methylation: treatment-groups: Further analysis can be performed on the aligned data using the sorted .bam file in 06_sorting, or the bigwig file in 08_bigwig_files, although for simple methylation percentages, it should be suffice to consult the column-separated files in 07_methyl_calls. In each case, the specific file names will refer to the sample IDs provided in the original sample sheet.


The dependency graph of rules contains branches; as such, the rules are not always performed in exactly the order indicated by directory prefix labels. Nevertheless, in cases of interrupted calculation, it may be useful to inspect the log files from the last (or second-to-last) directory created to check for error messages.

Alongside these directories, the directory pigx_work is also created, with its contents described in the file CONTENTS—here one can see links to the original data files for traceability. In case a run of PiGx was done a long time ago, under conditions that have been forgotten, the subfolder pigx_work/input/ contains links to each of the raw data files, pigx_work/refGenome links to the reference genome that was mapped do during exection, and pigx_work/bin contains links to the versions of binary executables that were used in the process.

Cluster Submission

The settings file allows for fields that will serve to optimize resource usage when PiGx is submitted to a cluster via SGE (Sun Grid Engine, a standard queueing system). For example, under the section execution: rules: various parameters can be supplied regarding resource consumption (e.g. number of threads, memory required, etc.) for each rule individually, or, alternatively, execution: cluster: queue can specify a single queue for all jobs.

The default parameters were chosen and tested on the human hg19 genome, since it is larger (and therefore requires a larger RAM footprint) than most other model organisms (e.g. Drosophila, mouse, etc.). This is not an exhaustive test, however, and it remains possible that PiGx users studying exotic genomes may yet exceed resource allowance. In such cases, a job execution will be aborted and an email will be sent to the address supplied by the user detailing circumstances of the failed job (such as start time, stop time, Max vmem = maximum memory consumed), and resource requests can be adjusted accordingly. Advanced users may consult etc/settings.yaml.in to see which values can be fine-tuned; novice users who are studying either the human genome, or a smaller one, should simply ignore this section and allow PiGx to assign the default values.


If you have further questions please send e-mail to pigx@googlegroups.com or ask questions on the web forum.

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