23-25 May 2018
Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, Max Delbrück Center
Berlin, Germany
Application deadline: 1 March 2018
The course will cover fundamentals in BS-seq analysis. The course
will also be useful for integrating and visualizing
all kinds of genomics data.
There will be theoretical lectures followed by practical
sessions where students directly apply what they have learned. The
programming will be mainly done in R and unix shell.
The course will be beneficial for computational
biologists and experimental biologists who are doing data analysis.
We have done similar courses in 2015,
2016 and
Here is a link to an article about the 2015 course.
The lectures and practicals will take the up full day
(Including 23rd and 25th of May ). Candidates should
plan for 9am to 6pm days. A typical day would comprise of lectures
followed by hands-on exercises. There will also be additional
scientific lectures showcasing application of computational genomics
in current research projects.
A computer room with preset workstations will be provided.
There will be one afternoon reserved for a social
Application deadline: 1 March 2018
2018-03-01 12:00:00
2018-03-01 18:00:00
Compgen2018 application deadline
apply at http://compgen.mdc-berlin.de
Altuna Akalin
Candidates must apply by filling in the online form. The form will have a section for submitting an abstract on current research interests and projects. Please be prepared to provide an abstract describing your current research projects and interest (max 1000 words).
There will also be questions on programming experience. These questions will help us organize a better course that is adjusted to applicant competencies. So, it is important you fill in those questions truthfully.
The course fee is 200 Euros. Payment details will be e-mailed to the candidates accepted to the course. The fee also covers printed materials, lunch and snacks during the course.
The course fee does NOT cover accommodation or travel. However, the document linked below lists suggested accommodation options. The list includes some of the budget hotels/hostels as well. Suggested accomodation options:
Questions and suggestions should be sent to the following e-mails:
compgen@mdc-berlin.de or altuna.akalin@mdc-berlin.deWe look forward to hearing from you!